Discover EyesoftContact usYour praxis software.
Designed for doctors,
optimized for ophthalmologists.
Complete Practice Management
Eyesoft is an intuitive, complete and modern management system that helps you to accurately handle every aspect of your practice.
Complete Patient Management
Eyesoft stores for you an organized collection of all patient data and detailed representation of all patient-related instrumental measurements.
Multi Doctor
Eyesoft allows any number of users to work simultaneously and share data across the internal network.
A software packed with lots of great features
New user interface
The Eyesoft user interface has been completely redesigned in order to improve ease of use and flexibility.
Improved speed
The new Eyesoft is definitely faster and more efficient while completing your daily tasks. Do more in less time.
New modules added
The new version brings dozens of new features with great expandability.
100% Mac Compatible
Eyesoft 10.4 is fully compatible with the latest version of MacOS.
100% Windows Compatible
Eyesoft 10.4 is fully compatible with the latest version of Windows.
Make more and even faster
With the new Eyesoft
Our new tools and our new user interface allow you to administer and complete all your daily tasks swiftly and effectively.
The current implementation is the most powerful agenda we ever made, completely redesigned to meet your needs.
EyeSoft allows you to manage every aspect of your accounting, from invoicing to a heap of payment statistics.
Examine the data stored on your system with our advanced statistics modules.

Real support by real people
We offer the best support and service you can expect. Send us an email or call us directly if you got any question and our team will react and answer immediately. We got thousands of solved threads and a customer satisfaction of 97%. We do care about helping your Praxis to run flawlessly!
SIplus SA
Via Lunghi 9,
6802 Rivera
Orari di Apertura
Mo-Fri: 8:00-17:00
Sa: Closed
SU: Closed
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